Energy, Energy Efficiency, Energy Conservation, and Carbon Emission Reductions
THE LEAST EXPENSIVE Watt to produce is the ONE I DON’T NEED nor USE (NegaWatt) is one of my mottoes. By extension, the LEAST EXPENSIVE GALLON of gasoline or diesel to produce is the one I don’t need and don’t use.
Recommendation is to consider energy efficiency of any building, including our homes, before considering on-site power generation. We can also consider more fuel efficient vehicle as we make changes.
The General Purpose of these pages is to share information and experience with energy. Practical and sensible approaches are the focus.
Energy Related Programs & Initiatives in Nevada and California will be added.
Links to helpful information and resources will be added.
With Perfect Power Performance, in process of introducing Amici MPTS (Maximum Power Transfer Solution) into U.S. market with initial focus on Nevada and California.
MPTS features and benefits:
•Reduces Power Consumption by 20 to 40%
•Improves Lifetimes of Equipment on Electrical Distribution Network
•Improves Energy Efficiencies and Power Factors to Near Unity
•Reduces Reactive (KVAR) Load to Near-Zero
•Reduces Greenhouse Gas Emissions, and
•Provides EXCELLENT Return-on-Investment (ROI)
Please visit MPTS page and Contact me for a FREE Initial Consultation. We look forward to being of service!
With PLC Consulting Group, working with California Title 24 Compliance and STEPS to a ZERO NET ENERGY (ZNE), POSITIVE NET ENERGY (PNE), and PASSIVE (ultra-low energy) homes and buildings.
Motivation for considering? More comfortable and healthy home and environment!
Additional Benefits? Federal and local incentives as tax credits and grants!
Please visit PLC Consulting Group and Contact me for a FREE Initial Consultation. Thank you for the opportunity!
Green Power Network
The U.S. Department of Energy's Green Power Network provides news and information on green power markets and activities, including opportunities to buy green power. This site provides state-by-state information on green power marketing and utility green power programs. In addition, the site lists marketers of renewable energy credits (RECs), also known as green tags or renewable energy certificates, which represent the environmental attributes of the power produced from renewable energy projects.
Weatherization Assistance Program
The U.S. Department of Energy's Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) enables low-income families to reduce their energy bills by making their homes more energy-efficient. Through this program, weatherization service providers install energy-efficiency measures in the homes of qualifying homeowners free of charge. The WAP program web site offers a state-by-state map of opportunities, projects and activities.
How to start? Whole House Energy Audit and Home Performance Assessment is a suggested 1st step for coming up with a sensible, cost effective plan for improving energy efficiency and considering on-site renewable energy generation.
THE LEAST EXPENSIVE Watt to produce is the ONE I DON’T NEED nor USE (NegaWatt) is one of my mottoes. By extension, the LEAST EXPENSIVE GALLON of gasoline or diesel to produce is the one I don’t need and don’t use.
Recommendation is to consider energy efficiency of any building, including our homes, before considering on-site power generation. We can also consider more fuel efficient vehicle as we make changes.
The General Purpose of these pages is to share information and experience with energy. Practical and sensible approaches are the focus.
Energy Related Programs & Initiatives in Nevada and California will be added.
Links to helpful information and resources will be added.
With Perfect Power Performance, in process of introducing Amici MPTS (Maximum Power Transfer Solution) into U.S. market with initial focus on Nevada and California.
MPTS features and benefits:
•Reduces Power Consumption by 20 to 40%
•Improves Lifetimes of Equipment on Electrical Distribution Network
•Improves Energy Efficiencies and Power Factors to Near Unity
•Reduces Reactive (KVAR) Load to Near-Zero
•Reduces Greenhouse Gas Emissions, and
•Provides EXCELLENT Return-on-Investment (ROI)
Please visit MPTS page and Contact me for a FREE Initial Consultation. We look forward to being of service!
With PLC Consulting Group, working with California Title 24 Compliance and STEPS to a ZERO NET ENERGY (ZNE), POSITIVE NET ENERGY (PNE), and PASSIVE (ultra-low energy) homes and buildings.
Motivation for considering? More comfortable and healthy home and environment!
Additional Benefits? Federal and local incentives as tax credits and grants!
Please visit PLC Consulting Group and Contact me for a FREE Initial Consultation. Thank you for the opportunity!
Green Power Network
The U.S. Department of Energy's Green Power Network provides news and information on green power markets and activities, including opportunities to buy green power. This site provides state-by-state information on green power marketing and utility green power programs. In addition, the site lists marketers of renewable energy credits (RECs), also known as green tags or renewable energy certificates, which represent the environmental attributes of the power produced from renewable energy projects.
Weatherization Assistance Program
The U.S. Department of Energy's Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP) enables low-income families to reduce their energy bills by making their homes more energy-efficient. Through this program, weatherization service providers install energy-efficiency measures in the homes of qualifying homeowners free of charge. The WAP program web site offers a state-by-state map of opportunities, projects and activities.
How to start? Whole House Energy Audit and Home Performance Assessment is a suggested 1st step for coming up with a sensible, cost effective plan for improving energy efficiency and considering on-site renewable energy generation.
Please Contact us at PLC Consulting Group, a certified Building Analyst and Home Performance Auditor who has the training, expertise and tools to conduct audits and provide helpful reports including priorities and budget for retrofits.
Energy Efficiency
Air Sealing (e.g. caulking and weatherstripping) and adding Insulation are often the two easiest and cost-effective retrofits for improving energy efficiency of our buildings and residences
Geothermal heat pump to condition air and/or water before going to air conditioner, heater, and/or water heater.
Heating and Cooling Efficiently
Hydronics and Radiant Floors to heat floors and other fixtures for comfort.
Solar Heating and Cooling.
Solar Hot Water.
Solar Photovoltaics (PV) for onsite generation of electricity.
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Air Sealing (e.g. caulking and weatherstripping) and adding Insulation are often the two easiest and cost-effective retrofits for improving energy efficiency of our buildings and residences
Geothermal heat pump to condition air and/or water before going to air conditioner, heater, and/or water heater.
Heating and Cooling Efficiently
Hydronics and Radiant Floors to heat floors and other fixtures for comfort.
Solar Heating and Cooling.
Solar Hot Water.
Solar Photovoltaics (PV) for onsite generation of electricity.
Thanks for visiting. Please stop in again.