Agribusiness. These pages are motivated by helping create jobs and identify opportunities in Agriculture in Nevada and especially local food and renewable energy production. Many farmers and ranchers continue to grow innovatively as they've had to in our challenging environment. The drought in the West has put more pressure on our growing methods while taking many acres out of production for lack of water and other resources.
Other farmers in Nevada are farming indoors in greenhouses, hoop houses, even indoor grow rooms and indoor farms. Our Nevada State Governor Brian Sandoval and the Governor's Office of Economic Development (NV GOED) are advocating Indoor Agriculture as opportunity for food security and diversity. Download Indoor Ag Brochure
Agribusiness and Energy are 2 of the Economic Sectors which have developed working groups within the SET (Stronger Economies Together) collaboration launched in 2010 by USDA Rural Development along with the nation's Regional Rural Development Centers (RRDCs) and their land-grant university partners.
NV Indoor Agriculture Stronger Economies Together (SET) Agribusiness has been created as a modest beginning for our indoor ag community to be a forum to share experiences and help encourage development of indoor agriculture technologies, techniques, practices and job opportunities, help connect us to each other and continue creating our dynamic community as producers and consumers, job seekers and employers, information seekers and providers, and more. With Nevada's farmers experimenting with greenhouses, hoophouses, grow rooms, indoor farms, aquaponic, hydroponic, and aeroponics. aquaculture, permaculture, biodynamic farming and such, we hope this group is helpful as a hub for information, experiences and contacts to help empower success. Take a look and consider joining.
NV Indoor Agriculture Stronger Economies Together (SET) Agribusiness facebook page
ProjectsProjects in Nevada followed at this time include
• BusAqua
• Great Basin Food Co-Op, farmers and customers of DROPP
• Healthy Communities Coalition of Lyon & Storey Counties, Nevada
• High Desert Farming Initiative & Urban Roots Farm Corps
• Hungry Mother Organics & Aquaponics
• Lattin Farms
• Loping Coyote Farms
• MaryAlice’s Sprout Farms, Inc.
• Nevada Grown Producers, Members, Restaurants, Products and More!
• Peri & Sons Farms
• RT Permaculture
• The Greenhouse Project
• Two Girls Farm
• Urban Roots
And ALL who are making a difference in our State of Nevada with self-reliance and food security!
Other farmers in Nevada are farming indoors in greenhouses, hoop houses, even indoor grow rooms and indoor farms. Our Nevada State Governor Brian Sandoval and the Governor's Office of Economic Development (NV GOED) are advocating Indoor Agriculture as opportunity for food security and diversity. Download Indoor Ag Brochure
Agribusiness and Energy are 2 of the Economic Sectors which have developed working groups within the SET (Stronger Economies Together) collaboration launched in 2010 by USDA Rural Development along with the nation's Regional Rural Development Centers (RRDCs) and their land-grant university partners.
NV Indoor Agriculture Stronger Economies Together (SET) Agribusiness has been created as a modest beginning for our indoor ag community to be a forum to share experiences and help encourage development of indoor agriculture technologies, techniques, practices and job opportunities, help connect us to each other and continue creating our dynamic community as producers and consumers, job seekers and employers, information seekers and providers, and more. With Nevada's farmers experimenting with greenhouses, hoophouses, grow rooms, indoor farms, aquaponic, hydroponic, and aeroponics. aquaculture, permaculture, biodynamic farming and such, we hope this group is helpful as a hub for information, experiences and contacts to help empower success. Take a look and consider joining.
NV Indoor Agriculture Stronger Economies Together (SET) Agribusiness facebook page
ProjectsProjects in Nevada followed at this time include
• BusAqua
• Great Basin Food Co-Op, farmers and customers of DROPP
• Healthy Communities Coalition of Lyon & Storey Counties, Nevada
• High Desert Farming Initiative & Urban Roots Farm Corps
• Hungry Mother Organics & Aquaponics
• Lattin Farms
• Loping Coyote Farms
• MaryAlice’s Sprout Farms, Inc.
• Nevada Grown Producers, Members, Restaurants, Products and More!
• Peri & Sons Farms
• RT Permaculture
• The Greenhouse Project
• Two Girls Farm
• Urban Roots
And ALL who are making a difference in our State of Nevada with self-reliance and food security!